Tuesday, October 22, 2013

It's time to admit, i'm just a lil ole bohemian gypsy hippie, and that's ok.

     I'm so excited! Awash in gladness and a certain kind of joyfulness! The reason is a little ridiculous, but it is what it is.

     It has to do with my living room re-do. And personal style. And human nature in general.

     I'v always always struggled with self confidence, and used an inordinate amount of time and energy trying to figure out where I fit and how to be my "authentic" self, which spills over into "style". What is MY style? What is the outward manifestation of me? I don't know if that's just me, but I sort of suspect that this is unchecked human nature. I think that there is something in us that wants to be known and validated. "We" don't want to be the same as every one else, or we don't want to be different than everyone else. This is often expressed in the clothes we wear, the cars we drive, our home environment.

    "Doing" my home is far more complicated than it really should be. I once was told that I need to just pick a style...any style...and stick with it. However, I have never really seen one that I loved enough to do my whole house, or even a whole room, in JUST that style! I don't have a favorite anything and I don't like when I am asked what my favorite "fill in the blank" is. I like lots of things. I like color and texture and a little of this and a little of that, and what it boils down to is that, in the quest to figure myself out, i'v really been trying to find one specific box to stuff myself in, and as it turns out NO BOX CAN HOLD ME!  Bwaaahahahahaha! I am everybody! I am everything!
     It's an issue that The Chief has very specific tastes that don't really match mine so much, and as it turns out, he cares. In fact, we are very much "opposites" in many ways. If you have ever seen the most current version of "yours, mine, and ours"...well, that reminds me of us in some ways.  I have been avoiding the whole "decorating" issue, as it has just been stressing me out, so then I was all on the white on white cottage-y vintage-y thing, until I discovered that he doesn't really like that, so it's back to square one.  The poor fella is gone so much and works so hard that he deserves to come home to an environment that is comforting to him. So as soon as he tells me what that is, that's the way we shall go. Because I love him and appreciate him, and my happiness and satisfaction does not depend on "stuff". In case anyone is thinking that I am "sacrificing" my own wants/needs/etc.
    In the meantime,  I was recently bored, and scrolling through Pinterest when I saw a pin of a living room that perked my little heart right up. That lead to more and more and more and MORE....and I am so ecstatically relieved that I absolutely DO have a style, and it is called Eclectic/Bohemian!

Okay, I admit it, out loud. I AM an eclectic bohemian free spirit! Admittedly, I am a MODERATE bohemian, but still....there it is!!!!!!! I


This doesn't really help my decorating dilemma, as I share this space with other people. People who are more on the conservative, traditional side.

I don't get to dig up my front yard and plant a garden there. I don't get to paint my wood floor. i don't get to let my bohemian spirit flow out into my home environment. Because that would make others not feel at home in their home.

But that's okay. At least I KNOW! And some day, I really hope to have the Joey Memorial Library (we both have an insane number of books, and his former room  is currently unoccupied, knock on wood) which will also serve as my office space, and he would totally approve of my Bohemian atmosphere, especially if I stick a dragon on top of a shelve somewhere.

But, as far as my living room re-do...we did come to an agreement on paint color, and the paint is purchased, and if i would get off of here, and do some homework, I could get started on the painting! I took before pics, which I will share when I have some afters.

Quackity Quack! :)


  1. I love this because you are stating so many of my own issues. I love country, primitive, mexican, western. I love so many different things and I'm not willing to choose just one style. The happiest I've ever been is just to choose furniture, paint, etc that I like and in the end it all comes together.
