Saturday, August 9, 2014

Moody Grays

I have this pointless little blog that is about nothing.
It's not about junking or decorating.
It's not a cooking blog.
It's not about country life or urban farming.
It's not a book blog,  an art blog,  a crunchy blog, a health and fitness blog, or an anything blog!

I don't even take good pictures.

My blog is about nothing. Except, perhaps, me...and that is not all that interesting!
Which is why I haven't written a post since the beginning of July!

Frankly, i've been in a mood for quiet some time, and I don't really know why. I mean, certainly there are daily challenges, and things that I like to call adventures that aren't really adventures but just things to cope with and get through, but I have had MUCH bigger, less funny adventures in my lifetime and I have so much to be thankful for, and NO REASON to be in a funk!!!

And yet, I am.  I mean, I am here living in a gray cracked house, and that should be hysterical, but i'm not really laughing.  I should be considering trim colors that go well with gray...I mean, gray is sort of  a neutral color, and pairs well with red or yellow or bright white or pink....but, ok, I obviously have thought about it for a minute, but mostly I just want to shoot my house and track down that one guy who made such a mess of it and cement his feet. We have been told numerous times that we should just sue him, but its seems to me that that is a lot of money and time and hassle with no benefit .
Speaking of gray (or is it grey?), I see that 50 shades of grey is being made into a movie, and I don't even see how the filmmakers are managing THAT and, even with today's extremely lax standards, making it suitable for public consumption! Seems like the movie will have about 5 scenes it it and last half an hour. Not to mention....REALLY???? All the stories in all the world, and THAT is the one being made into a movie? I'm just speechless.
Actually, i'm not speechless at all, I have a whole bunch to say about that, but guess what? I won't. Because my opinion of the whole shebang is the extreme minority, and that in itself is highly disturbing. (Um, yes I did read the books. No, i'm not a prude or a party pooper or a stick in the mud or a cold fish, or whatever anyone might want to say. It was just a BAD story, bad plot, bad characters, just bad bad bad. Except the writing was halfway decent and that just compounds the whole tragedy.) I just have to ask, am I the only one who sees the irony that there is so much hoopla and hurrah over women's LIBERATION, and this story about SUBMISSION AND BONDAGE is so extremely, shockingly, mindblowingly popular? WHAT???!

Summer has pretty much passed me by, and I can't even fathom that school supplies are on the shelves and summer apparel is on the clearance racks!
On the upside, I don't have to ferry S. around this year, as she is now the owner of her own vehicle (with a sunroof! I'm kind of jealous!) On the other hand, she will be driving. By herself. And that strikes deep intense fear in my heart. My last little duck has wings. Or wheels, if you will, and is just mere months away from 18!

I'm really looking forward to fall, but not to going back to school. I am terrified of the class I am taking, and I have SO MUCH anxiety about it, and I would almost rather be taking college algebra! At least I know what to expect and that even though I completely suck at it and I have to work really super extra hard, I can learn it and even score an A in algebra. Imagine, taking a writing class and finding out that that is what I REALLY suck at!

Anywho,  this is my life: My days are spent keeping the baby clean, fed, entertained, and alive, and fishing foreign objects out of her mouth. and feeding and attempting to entertain the tween and then the momma comes home and i cook and do whatever stuff I need to do in the evenings. And then on the weekends, I catch up with whatever didn't get done. And also I obsess and stress about school about to start. And I am feeling sort of hermit-y and introverted, which isn't all that normal for me, but there you have it. That mood thing.

I suppose that wraps up this random issue of the nothing blog!
Until next time..


  1. Val, I know that you write these very serious blog posts that are deep and profound.... is it terrible that I am LAUGHING????? I mean seriously laughing. It is the way you write. You are just so incredibly funny. :-) You will do amazing in your class. Just you wait and see! Love you bunches, you cute little hermit you!

  2. Yeah! What She said ^^^^ I have always told you that you have a gift and we are so lucky you are sharing it with us now. I love you Not-My- Sister ... xxooxxoo
