Saturday, January 24, 2015

Operation Don't Be a Wimp

     This blog is more of a mind dump, brain vomit sort of place than anything else. I should rename it.
I can't post pictures of my projects or recipes or decorating ideas because I am technologically inept, and also I don't really have any pictures of those things. Because, ya know...I don't really do them.
     I would have made a horrible pioneer. However simple and straight forward and appealing that era may seem, I can't imagine spending my life doing laundry in tubs by hand or cooking on a camp fire, or carrying water from the creek for washing dishes. I seriously love my dishwasher. It was super tragic when it recently stopped doing it's job. The water would not drain, suggesting a clog. I mentioned this problem to the men in my life, but at that time none of them were around long enough to deal with it. So one evening, I thought I would just do it myself. I baled the nasty water out of it. I un-hooked-up the drain hose and ran a straightened clothes hanger down clog there. So, I did what I knew to do...poured a whole bottle of drain-o in it! I would like to say that that is the end of the dishwasher story, but that would be a lie.
      It still didn't drain. So I ran a rinse cycle to see what would happen.
     What happened was a whole lot of draino scented bubbles oozing out the bottom.
     So there it sat, full of draino, for about three more days, and then my nephew and the Chief were home at the same time. They shop vacced the draino water out, pulled the dishwasher out of it's place, and found the clog.
     And I am thrilled to have an operational dishwasher again!

     I think that I would be far better off it I didn't have Facebook. Social media has it's place, and I haven't deleted it yet because there are some people I just want to stay in touch with. Some of the things that show up on my newsfeed, though, I could pretty much do without. I try not to read or involve myself in much of it, but sometimes I get sucked in. What I find myself reading is the comments of others on some of this stuff, and I have to stop doing that.
     That people feel so free to be rude and hateful on such a wide variety of subjects is just disturbing! Often times, these comments turn into arguments, which then turn into name calling and insults, among people who do not even know each other, and it's like being in the room with a bunch of little kids. "You're stupid". "You don't even know how to spell." "Oh, ya? Well, your fat."
Looking back on history, it is not so outrageous to think about the gladiator era or christians being thrown in with lions.  As long as you're not the one being thrown into the arena, it's all fun and games.  If you are the one in the arena, oh, too bad for you! You should have went to work for Mcdonalds.

    Here is a random paragraph about sex. If you don't want to hear me talk about it, you might want to skip it.
A.) I have 5 children. I have been married for a long time. I am not a prude or a cold fish. I have no objections to that particular activity.
B.) There are SO MANY parts of life and many aspects of a relationship, and sex really is just one small piece of a whole ginormous picture.
C.) Sex is not rocket science. We all pretty much come hardwired for it. An instruction manual is not really necessary.
D.) The "cowboys" in those pics? The ones with huge biceps, six packs, and hairless chests? Um...they aren't really cowboys. They are models who spend a great deal of time and energy on their appearances so they can dress like a cowboy and have their picture taken.  Also, they shave  (or wax) their chests so that they can look like they haven't gone through puberty yet. (And we say men are pervs!)
E.) Reality isn't always wonderful, but BALANCE between reality and make believe is not a bad thing. Sometimes (ALOT of time) our expectations could stand to be tempered for overall contentment and happiness.
F.) Not just in this matter, but the whole of life...
G.) This from a person who lives with her nose in a book...
H.) But not that kind of book...
I.) If I did not have Facebook,  seeing ads for the 50 shades movie and authors asking questions about their readers' opinions on the "experience" level of book heroes, we wouldn't be having this discussion.
J.) End of this subject.

    New subject: If you read my last post, you know that I was kind of gloomy feeling. My Eeyore phase, and of all of my moods, the one I like the least.  It may not have been a fun post, but it was cathartic, and the only thing I would have done differently would have been to write it in a letter and send it to one of my BFF's who would know it was just a passing phase and be done. BUT I didn't do that, I put it out there in public, and as much as I wish I would not have, what's done is done. After that post, I launched Operation Don't Be A Wimp.
     A.) I deleted my Pou app.
That's about it.
But HEY! It's a start, right?
     I know that when I get in a funk, eating well and exercising are so useful for getting out of it.
Also, part of my funk is irritation with myself that I worked so hard to lose all that weight and then I gained most of it back. And now i'm a rolly polly again, and i'm living in leggings and, I mean, uh, tunic shirts.  If I was only tall and statuesque...but no, i'm a hobbit, and most of my weight goes to my gut, so i'm pretty sure i'm just about as round as I am tall. And, well, I already have a heart issue, and losing weight, especially belly fat, is one of several things that I need to do to improve my heart health.
     Honestly, it just gets so complicated. What IS healthy eating? There are so many opinions, and plans, and this group swears by this and that group swears by that, and eating (a necessary function for keeping body and soul together) has practically become a moral issue. Whaaat? You eat peanut butter? You are going to burn.
     There is Paleo, Atkins, vegetarian, fat, no fat, carbs, no carbs, eat fat AND carbs, but  not together...
I foolishly read a weekly magazine, and every week, a "diet" is published. Each week is a different one, and all of them claim to work wonders, and naturally they often conflict! One week is "Improved Atkins....loose a bazillion pounds in 2 weeks and feel fabulous" and the next is "Down with Atkins, be a vegetarian and loose a bazillion pounds the first week and feel super fabulous".
I am so anxious about choosing the one way of nourishment that is going to fuel a healthy body that I give up and eat cupcakes.
Also, cupcakes are delicious, so I don't need much of an excuse.
Which probably means I DESERVE to die young and burn...
   When I lost weight the first time around, I did good old fashioned calorie counting. It worked for the first 30 lbs, and then I was stuck for about a year. So, then I went lo-carb and lost a bunch more. Lo carb worked really well and I felt really good, and I wasn't hungry and mean feeling all the time.
I am now on a super duper tighter-than-something-that's-really-tight budget.
We are talking, beans and tortillas tight.
Which basically means, my choice is reduced to calorie counting.
Which means being hungry and mean feeling.
So basically, i'm going to die sooner than later if I choose the "wrong" diet, or
i'm going to die sooner than later from obesity, lack of movement, and heart disease...
so why not die sooner than later with chocolate frosting and a smile on my lips??

Just joking...sort of...

 *End of brain dump*

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